Imagine this: After having a long exhausting day at work, you wish to spend some time with your beloved in your comfy clothes, you have just sat & you get a work reminder from your to-do-list. The bubble of your relaxation brusts immediately. Sorry for being too relatable but sleep is something everyone crave for. But the good is you can take a break from your busy schedule, visit your favourite resort or hotel & Just Sleep!
Sleepication is the new trend blooming from mid 2018 in the western countries & now spreaded in the entire world. Sleepcation: As the name suggests- sleep + vacation. It’s a small vacation from your best schedule just to relax & sleep. Now isn’t something you’ve always been dreaming of? Of course you did!!
Most of the people go on a vacation to find new friends, explore places, learn about new culture, be close to nature or try new food. But by now you’ll find more people going on vacation…just to sleep.
But How Do You Plan a Sleepcation?
If you’re a beach person, & love luxurious resorts…Raiwasa, Fiji is a place for you. Fiji is known for the couple hidespace, so if you’ve a beloved with you…even better.
Raiwasa has two exquisitely-decorated suites connected by a central living and offset kitchen area, designed to maximize the stunning ocean and garden views. Both bathrooms provide twin honeymoon showers, outdoor bathtubs & relaxing bed. Just imagine soaking in the fresh open air with an unfettered view of the stars with the soothing sound of the ocean waves in the background.
The sole purpose of this vacation is to repay your sleep debts. What is a sleep debt, you ask? As a normal adult, you need eight hours of sleep daily but most of the people don’t so considering work pressure, work commute, health issues, stress etc. This sleep debt will affect your body & mind at the later stage of life.
Sleepcation is not an antidote for your sleep disorder but it will somehow let you catch up with the deprived sleep & regulate it. Nothing can be better than sleeping in a luxurious resort.
How to Make the most of it?
Once you settle in to the Raiwasa Villa, you won’t want to leave. You’ll find out that you effortlessly and quickly shrug off the stress and strains of modern life. The toughest decision at the Raiwasa Resort will be where to relax…The main deck? At the edge of the infinity pool? The beach bure? The pool bure? The overlook deck?
Still need more help to relax? Spoil yourself with an indoor or outdoor massage at the villa. Let one of Raiwasa’s highly-skilled masseuses soothe your aching limbs.
Imagine having a pillow menu, where everything is served in bed, snuggle in your bed underneath the blanket & do absolutely nothing. Sounds so good, right?
So with all of these in your mind, when do you want to get in touch with the Raiwasa Resort and ask if they could help us out and this is what they have on offer for us.
1. A spa
2. Infinite pool
3. Luxurious bed
4. In bed breakfast
Do let us know how you wish to plan your sleepcation & where in the comment section below.